This is the "after" picture.
Last night (Saturday night) we went to church and the boys did the child's service.
On our way out, we did the same thing we did on our way in.
"1~2~3 swing"
I remember it from when I was a little kid.
I assume Dan probably does too.
But, things went a little wrong on the way out of church, and that thing is - Phin's elbow joint went out of socket.
Now, we didn't know exactly what was wrong LAST NIGHT - but after research on the internet and then a call to the emergency pedi line this morning, we learned that what happened was something called "nursemaid's elbow."
Phin had a terribly painful night last night and then this morning when we went to the emergency room* to have it "put back in place" by the ortho people.
After a NUMBER of hours, Dan came home with Phin in this kicky sling.
The elbow is still tender and he's refusing to use it, but they said that as the swelling goes down, he'll start to use it by the end of the day.
Needless to say, "~1~2~3 Swing" is OVER, F-O-R-E-V-E-R!

***This would be Phin's third visit to the ER.
1. Base ER in Mississippi
2. Croup in COMO
3. Nursemaid's elbow