how is mind works.
We have been noticing this trend with his wanting a video, but the letters is still a little new to me.
This is how it works with the video.
Phin wants to watch a video and asks for such. I tell him "no" because he's ALREADY seen a video this morning.
He then tells me he wants to eat "mac and cheese."
SO, of COURSE, I tell him okay. I don't want my child to be hungry!
I put him in his highchair (yes, I still put my 27 month in a high chair. It keeps him contained...) and start the mac and cheese.
Luckily, I have earlier in the week made a HUGE pile of it and frozen it in smaller portions that I then pull down as needed to the fridge. Getting the mac and cheese will only take minutes. (yes, they are either corn or brown rice noodles...)
Once the mac and cheese is ready, I give him his drink and food and.... TURN ON THE VIDEO. Cause, you know, we turn on the video when he's eating.
So, he watches the video until it ends (however minutes I have put on the laptop) and then he wants to get down and play.
Mac and cheese untouched.
So, I have caught on to this...
Here is how the bath works:
He starts mumbling about playing with his letters.
(They were taken away because he was focusing on them too much. However, we didn't take away his bath letters.)
I just ignore the request because the letters are put away.
He then asks to take a bath (while still in his highchair at the end of breakfast.) I think, "AWESOME! He wants to be clean, right?" We go to the bath and run the water and he goes straight for the... LETTERS. he plays and plays. He tolerates the soap and the shampoo and conditioner and plays until I empty the tub of water. He CONTINUES to play... I warn him it's getting close to time to get out of the tub. I tell him it's time to get out of the tub. I start toweling him off, telling him we have to get out of the bath. We come back to the bedroom and put on lotion and get dressed in nice warm clothes and comb his hair and let him out to run the house and play. Again, he asks for letters. I ignore the request, as the letters are put away. He THEN asks for ANOTHER bath.
I have to say, I am impressed at how he knows WHAT he wants and makes the right requests to get that thing. I have to tell you though, it worries me - for what we will deal with as he gets smarter and older. I can smell the trouble already - just like a batch of chocolate chip cookies that are ready to come out of the oven!