Zack has decided that today is the day he will not only cut a tooth but start rolling from back to stomach (before today it was just stomach to back) and we are not talking just one roll. He's free to move about!
Actually, yesterday Dan was noticing that he's also doing a good job of sitting upright. Not for long at a time, but he's finding his balance. I have a feeling this is going to be a big week for little Zack!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Peanut Butter Eater

When I was a little girl, we would get spoons of peanut butter and eat them while watching TV. I have NO IDEA how this started (as I was the third child) or why - or how the spoons got involved etc. All I know is that I have a lot of memories doing such. And so, of course so should my little Phin, right?
So, I did give him a spoonful of peanut butter. He LIKED it and asked for me. I told him "you can have more tomorrow." (as the pedi has told us no peanut butter until he's three.) Well, I guess this picture is the justification for the baby gates I had put up at the entrances to the kitchen. Not only do they keep "Maggie dog" safe from toddler poking during the day - they also keep gluten free packages of peanut butter safe from little, tiny 2.5 year old hands! Well, those gates work WHEN I LOCK THEM. :)
He looks so pleased with himself. He did it "by myself!"
Monday, February 21, 2011
Happy Boys!
So, it's no big surprise that I have a "thing" for hats. It would seem that in his short 2.5 years, I have passed this "thing" on to Phin. During the Blizzard of 2011, Dan took Phin outside to make his first snowman. (it was almost dark out so we don't have a great picture of the event) and said snowman needed a HAT. I picked out an old green courdaroy one from when I was in college. It was gingerly put on Mr.Snowman for the picture and then brought back inside.
Since then, Phin has taken a liking to it and it's now HIS. He wears it randomly - in the house, at breakfast - even to the gym daycare sometimes. :)

Baby Zack is a happy boy, laying around the floor - "exercising" (aka: tummy time) and enjoying life. :)
Since then, Phin has taken a liking to it and it's now HIS. He wears it randomly - in the house, at breakfast - even to the gym daycare sometimes. :)

Baby Zack is a happy boy, laying around the floor - "exercising" (aka: tummy time) and enjoying life. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sometimes, Zack has some gas. So, we do the "bicycle method" to help get the gas out. I started counting aloud in english and spanish and now, Phin calls the bicycle method "ten again." On this particular night, he decided to "play ten again" with baby brother. Anyone to keep that gas monster away!

They share secrets!

I love that Phin lets his brother play with his hair. He's being a very patient brother.

They share secrets!

I love that Phin lets his brother play with his hair. He's being a very patient brother.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Phin loves his brother

I know I don't have as many posts about Zack yet. Thing is, he's little and just kinda lays around right now. When he gets a bit bigger and starts moving about - his post count will pickup!
This is how Phin loves his brother. They chat and lay by each other on the floor. Phin always brings a cover for baby brother. Phin lets baby brother play with his face and hair (baby brother's arm just kinda lands randomly right now...
Phin helps baby brother see the toys on his stander - and also shows him how to use them.
These two brothers will love each other. They already do!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Blocks are the toy of the week!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Today, I am 34!!!
I just had a baby four months ago, and I am feeling GREAT!

Ethan found a very creative way to "decorate" for me this morning. These flags were all over the table, the kitchen seats and the floor. How could I be mad? It's my birthday!

You can see he's pretty proud of his job too.

Lastly, I don't know if this is significant - but Phin is now noticing the difference between lower and upper case letters. Today, he made the decision for the whole line of letters to be in the same case - which I think is pretty cool. I mean, he IS just two, right?

Ethan found a very creative way to "decorate" for me this morning. These flags were all over the table, the kitchen seats and the floor. How could I be mad? It's my birthday!

You can see he's pretty proud of his job too.

Lastly, I don't know if this is significant - but Phin is now noticing the difference between lower and upper case letters. Today, he made the decision for the whole line of letters to be in the same case - which I think is pretty cool. I mean, he IS just two, right?

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The United States
I ordered this map along with a book called "the mixed up states of america."
Phin and Zack got these presents for Christmas.
We have yet to read the book - but we did get out the map - and Phin has found success rather quickly with the states.
He's learning the states - and my favorite is the way he says "Hawaii" - pronounced "hi-a-why-ee."
I love my boys!

(is it bad taste that we wear halloween jams though out the year???)
Phin and Zack got these presents for Christmas.
We have yet to read the book - but we did get out the map - and Phin has found success rather quickly with the states.
He's learning the states - and my favorite is the way he says "Hawaii" - pronounced "hi-a-why-ee."
I love my boys!

(is it bad taste that we wear halloween jams though out the year???)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Diaper Issues
So, Phin has been doing two things lately.
a) he's been pulling down his pants and/or jammies
b) he's been taking off his diaper.
What to do, right?
Well, let me tell you - there is a REASON mommy & daddy don't fight. We are both bull headed and we BOTH refuse to lose. We both understand that if we started a fight with each other - neither of us would back down and it would get dark and dirty and mean and - well, it would turn into our own personal hell. So, instead, we use words and make agreements and try really hard to always be nice to each other.
Phin on the other hand, he doesn't understand this darker side of our family personality. He has this side (see: his being mad that he goes to bed and we stay up - so he shucks all clothes and poops in his room - in front of the door and then puts on crocks and smears it all over the wood floor) but doesn't so much know that he GOT it from mommy and daddy.
So far, we have started out nice. Asking him to put his pants back on. Suggesting he doesn't take down his diaper. Cleaning up the poop and putting him back in bed. However, on the second poop incident, I talked to a good friend and had a new plan ready to implement. Here are the steps.
Jammies go on backwards. He can't unzip what is behind him.

In the day, if the pants go down, the DUCT TAPE goes ON.
a) he's been pulling down his pants and/or jammies
b) he's been taking off his diaper.
What to do, right?
Well, let me tell you - there is a REASON mommy & daddy don't fight. We are both bull headed and we BOTH refuse to lose. We both understand that if we started a fight with each other - neither of us would back down and it would get dark and dirty and mean and - well, it would turn into our own personal hell. So, instead, we use words and make agreements and try really hard to always be nice to each other.
Phin on the other hand, he doesn't understand this darker side of our family personality. He has this side (see: his being mad that he goes to bed and we stay up - so he shucks all clothes and poops in his room - in front of the door and then puts on crocks and smears it all over the wood floor) but doesn't so much know that he GOT it from mommy and daddy.
So far, we have started out nice. Asking him to put his pants back on. Suggesting he doesn't take down his diaper. Cleaning up the poop and putting him back in bed. However, on the second poop incident, I talked to a good friend and had a new plan ready to implement. Here are the steps.
Jammies go on backwards. He can't unzip what is behind him.

In the day, if the pants go down, the DUCT TAPE goes ON.

mark the day, mark the time!
Isaac just rolled over (from his belly to his back) ON HIS OWN!
What a proud moment for both of us!
What a proud moment for both of us!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Yummy Mix
When Phin was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I felt like my heart was breaking open. Certainly, we could find stuff for him to eat - but no wheat - no FLOUR? How is it that my little boy will grow up with fond memories of cookie dough and brownie mix on spatulas during bake time in the kitchen. So, once I had gathered myself and made a plan - I decided he WILL have those memories. So, as you see below, he does!. We call this "yummy mix" (because Phin used to be scared of the coffee grinder, mixer, food processor etc - so we started warning him telling him we are gonna make a yummy mix and then giving him some of the dessert item we were making - it helped him overcome his fear of those loud noises) and it's gluten free - wheat free. These brownies are made from a black bean base and some sorghum, rice, tapioca flours and potato starch mixed in. It's texture and flavor are very similar to the regular brownie of yore. Certainly, it's not as good as my delicious brownie I used to make for everyone all of the time - but it's healthier and will still take care of a sweet/chocolate tooth.

Here's to you, my first born son. You WILL HAVE all of the memories and none of the stomach ache / small intestine damage!

Here's to you, my first born son. You WILL HAVE all of the memories and none of the stomach ache / small intestine damage!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Booty
Monday, December 20, 2010
We can't forget
about Isaac. He's still sleeping quite a bit. Note the book (thank you Dolly Parton Imagination Library) that we have available for him to look at while awake. "But, he's on his stomach - that is wrong" you think. Well, family, Isaac was but on his belly for "tummy time." I have been lectured by everyone of authority about how my child needs tummy time. So, down he went. He was not a fan - but the way he got back at us was rather funny. I am surprised his brother never thought of it. Isaac decided that instead of fighting to be up on his chest, he would just lay his head down and take a snooze. Looks like little Isaac will be "bull head number four!"

Friday, December 17, 2010
I went to check in on him
during his nap. I looked and looked over the baby gate. My little one was no where to be found. I looked for a toe or elbow sticking out from under the blanket - but nothing. As I started to step OVER the baby gate to further explore for my boy, I spied toes - a foot. Thing is, they were not in his BED! Remember, that hamper is in the shape of a frog. So, I guess he kinda got swallowed up by his room frog. HA!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
it was time to leave
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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