a) he's been pulling down his pants and/or jammies
b) he's been taking off his diaper.
What to do, right?
Well, let me tell you - there is a REASON mommy & daddy don't fight. We are both bull headed and we BOTH refuse to lose. We both understand that if we started a fight with each other - neither of us would back down and it would get dark and dirty and mean and - well, it would turn into our own personal hell. So, instead, we use words and make agreements and try really hard to always be nice to each other.
Phin on the other hand, he doesn't understand this darker side of our family personality. He has this side (see: his being mad that he goes to bed and we stay up - so he shucks all clothes and poops in his room - in front of the door and then puts on crocks and smears it all over the wood floor) but doesn't so much know that he GOT it from mommy and daddy.
So far, we have started out nice. Asking him to put his pants back on. Suggesting he doesn't take down his diaper. Cleaning up the poop and putting him back in bed. However, on the second poop incident, I talked to a good friend and had a new plan ready to implement. Here are the steps.
Jammies go on backwards. He can't unzip what is behind him.

In the day, if the pants go down, the DUCT TAPE goes ON.

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