At 9.5 days old he was able to get out of his swaddle and push himself to the corner of his crib where he starting trying to suck the crib bumper. The "trip" caused his diaper to be pushed down off of his bottom...
This is an example of his strength today. It's not quite as dramatic, but, still impressive for such a young baby.
This is picture of how he looked when I put him down after his noon feeding.

This is how he looked when I went back to wake him up for his next feeding.
Notice, he spun his whole little body around by, like 90 degrees.

Maybe this is normal for newborns.
It just seems - early
and it reminds me of my brother
It looks like he was well pleased with his noon feeding. That's a cute little smile he has while sleeping.
Ya, I was just lucky to catch that sweet smile at the time of the picture!
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