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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Over Worried Mother!!!

Phin is just to the age where he's doing some light head butting of his daddy and my face.
I orgionally thought this is just a bruise... but it's been 5-7 days now. Wouldn't a bruise go away by now? (It's been this greenish color the whole time, no dark brown or anything...)
I called his Pedi this morning but - they don't work on Wednesdays and I don't know this is a "medical emergency."
So, what is YOUR opinion? Have you seen anything like this before - or is it just a common bruise?


Anonymous said...

Hey, honey...

I suspect its just a normal bruise, but if you're really concerned, you can call the doc tomorrow. I would say as long as everything else seems normal, you probably don't need to worry too much. Let me know what you find out... :)

Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi. I agree it looks like a small common bruise. with him being so young those little blood vessels probably make it look worse. I think it will go away pretty soon. You could still ask the pedi, but I wouldn't get too worried. Ethan doesn't look at all stressed by it. I really appreciate this site so I can keep up on my little buddy. Love Grandpa!