With Daddy gone, Friday I felt worse and worse. I didn't venture out to the gym in the morning and really didn't feel like eating the whole day. I did have some dinner and before I knew it, not only was my whole respiratory system flipping out along with my sinuses. I shortly realized that not only did I have a cold, I also had a very nasty flu.
Something you may not know about me is that one of the things I hate most is - to throw up. Most of the times I have thrown up in the last, say, five years have been due to food poisoning. The first time since Dan and I have been together was while we were engaged. We had eaten at a pizza place in my home town (which soon thereafter went out of business) and had plans later that night to go to a 4th of July display near Columbia (Daddy Bill's). Dan tried to hold my hair back for me as I lost every bit of liquid from my body. Little did he know that I need to be alone with my vomit - so I yelled at him to leave the bathroom and I was miserable on my own.
Another time, we were at a movie. I believe it was a X-Men. The theater was spinning and I was trying to keep up with the story line. When I got home, it was vomit city and Dan knew to let me be.
So, this is how we ended up to a house full of a sick Mommy and a little baby boy. Daddy was off to help other people and this time, Mommy really needed help too. I spent Friday night sleeping on the bathroom floor and then moving to the kitchen to fill up my water glass. My body was reverberating in pain with each breath and simply drinking water was a chore that sometimes took half an hour to accomplish. Lucky for me, my little boy came through like a champ - sleeping the whole night through like everything is right with the world.
I knew, however, that I NEEDED help.
I thought through the list of people I could call. The family with a brand new baby of their own and one less adult in the house - no. Families who had older children - but most possibly not the equipment it would take to care for a 5 month old. Another lady I know who would probably watch him - but I didn't have her number and I didn't want to impose on her with her already full house of children. I prayed that my first (and perhaps only) choice was available. I did an Internet search (thank you facebook) for Mike's number and emailed him at something like 4am - seeing if they were in town and available to take Phin for me.
Now, you have got to understand. Phin has never actually be away from me for more than - maybe - two hours. I take that back. He's been alone with both Grandmas for hours before... but certainly no one outside of the family. So, for me to leave him with anyone tells us two things: A) I was certainly very ill & B) I trust Mike and Melissa in a way that I don't trust most people. I trust Mike and Melissa with the most precious gift I have ever been given.
Mike and Melissa kept Phin all day and until 1am this morning when Daddy got back from South Missouri and we drove over to get our boy. They said he was easy and happy and didn't eat much. He was a happy like super star and everyone did just fine. Well, everyone but me. While sweating with a fever and being dehydrated I missed my baby so much that I came to trusty ole hyphin and looked at pictures of his smiling face.

I missed him more than words can describe. Which "him" - both of them actually. I am glad that Daddy is so involved with helping those who need it right now. I am happy that Phin was able to stay a whole day (something like 17 hours) with trusted family friends and be okay. But man, I missed both of my guys!
I guess, at the end of the day, I am happy that my health is returning - but mostly, I am happy everyone is back, under the same roof. Superbowl Sunday? For me, it's Thanksgiving!
(and to add insult to injury, this is what Maggie was trying to do while I was so sick!)

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