So, it's basically impossible to keep his little eyes off of the tv - especially when he's not in our arms all of the time anymore. SO, I though on the situation and tried to find a good solution. I think my solution was a good one. It was:
iKNOW Animals, Letters & Sounds (DVD series.) It teaches letters, sounds and animals of the rain forest. The series is actually made for pre-schoolers - which Phin is currently NOT a preschooler. Nor is my intention to make his a super early reader - or whatever. What I AM trying to do is make a healthy alternative for something he's doing that *I* don't find OK. So, he wants to stare at the TV? Well, okay. It's gonna be the Rain forest animals then. Hey, I have learned some interesting things too - like a taper has four toes in the front feet and three toes on the back feet. I can also pick out an agouti from a picture lineup. Trust me, it's party time here at the Hyphin House! Woo Hoo!
Check out our involved he can get in the video (though, it's not for very long in one sitting). (He is standing in his exer-saucer, staring at the tv).

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