WARNING: I never finished this particular post - and I am just going to go ahead and publish what is here. I'll have to finish my thought another day when it's a little less busy!
Grandmother Allen and I started this project back in January and just finished it in March. It was a hard project and I truly couldn't have done it without GMA Allen!
At the time we started it, Phin wasn't quite strong enough to sit up in the cart on his own but I knew the time was right around the corner. Now, in April - as he's EIGHT months old, Phin is big enough and he enjoys sitting up on his own.
If you notice the shirt, it actually says "Diaper loading 72% complete) with a browser bar across the bottom (like a computer screen). I bought the shirt a few weeks ago. Let me set up the situation. I was on my way to the gym but decided I had time to stop by Walgreen's before I went to my classes. At Walgreen's I got out of the car, opened the backseat door and as I went to pull the car seat, I saw projectile vomit fly from little Phin's mouth. Maybe it was the squash he had eaten the night before, maybe it was something else. Who knows! All I knew is that I had a baby with vomit all over him.
What is a Mommy to do in that situation? I stood there for a few moments and then took the baby and car seat full of vomit into Walgreen's!
I looked for the items I was there for - of which they had none.
Then, I found a new onsie and we went back to the van and stripped the baby naked and washed him down with diaper wipes and put the onsie onto him. We then promptly went home and Phin went back to bed. He didn't get sick anymore, but he was a little crabby apple that day. I believe it was maybe from his teething... Anyway, while I was not particularly amused by the shirt, Daddy thought it was great!
As you look back over the last month, you will see that Phin is now sitting up on his own. He's eating veggies and now cheerios! Yesterday I went to lunch with some women from the gym. The bakery owner brought Phin a cream puff (it's like a donut with cream inside it and a chocolate swirl on top) on a big white plate. The owner was so proud of himself and ready for my little boy to pounce into it. I told the dude, no. Then no. And again, no. Finally, I told him that Phin's on milk only due to food allergies and he apologized and left. My little BABY isn't eating anything like that anytime soon!
We have also finally found the key to Phin's cradle cap! It turns out he can use the same lotion on his head that my dermatologist has me use on my face. His head is back to normal but I am still happy about that hat and mittnss we got him - after the cold spell we've had lately.
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