Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Slacker Much?

So I guess I have been absent for a little more than a week. I can assure you that Phin is doing well. We have just been a little "extra" busy.
Since we last checked in, Phin had his 8 month doctor's checkup. They said he's doing great - and he's on target and then some! His height is still in the 25% (which even the doctor couldn't believe because he looks SO big). His weight is in the 75%, and head size is 90th%. Hopefully that means he's got a lot of brains up there!

For Mother's Day, I was at the gym all day doing a training so I can become qualified to start teaching a weight lifting class. After the weekend was over, I had a very nice meal prepared for me and I also got a beautiful blown glass necklace.

This last week, we also went to the parents-as-teachers building to take a class in infant massage. Phin was a little less than impressed. I mean, there were things there that impressed him, but it was mostly his bff next to him and her socks, or the little girl on the other side with the big blue eyes... Even at this age, our Phin is trying to be a 'ladies man'.

Okay, my baby is on the move so I've got to cut this short!
We'll try to be back sooner than another week!!!

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