As I am sure you can imagine, listening to the worker at Civic Recycling fighting with his "woman" on speaker phone as I unloaded bag after bag of pop cans was both informative and annoying. Hey, it was all for a good cause. See, as YOU know, our family isn't "rich" so we find it necessary to keep it "creative"when it comes to making/finding/keeping money. One way we are funding Phin's "youth bank account" is to keep all of the pop cans we use in this house and save them up in the garage until they are completely annoying. At that point, we throw them all into the truck, take them down to recycling and Phin comes home with no less than ten new bucks to put in his piggy bank. We are also happy to know we are not putting all of that trash in landfills too! (You know I feel the same way about his diapering situation...
So, tomorrow, we will take all of the bigger bills out of his piggy bank and go to the credit union to make an account for little Phin. I was reading online that children get PRIZES for opening their account and PRIZES for saving certain amounts of money in their account. So every time he makes his next level - some kind of (hopefully not sugar based) prize will be his!
In other news, today was not awesome - regarding his physical wellness. We DID go to the park for him to get some walk time in - however, he kept dropping to his knees (tired?) and got a couple scrapes and scratches on them. Then it was time to go home!