This is a front view of the babies head. The head is on the right side of the picture. The top of the head is at the very most right. You can see the holes for the eyes and mouth and the other big circle on the left of the picture is the abdomen. :)

This last one is a 3D ultrasound picture. She rotated the picture so we are looking at the baby head at the top center of the picture - like we would frame up a picture of you or me. Baby has their hand up to their face - ?maybe sucking on their thumb?

We are still a few weeks early to know if it's a girl or boy for sure - but on April 27th we will have the ultrasound through my OB (Grandma Barb is going to come down and help with Ethan during that ultrasound) and the baby will be big enough then to know for sure. All I can say right now - for sure - is that from what we saw, I can still have HOPE that it's a BOY! :)
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