Here is yesterday's example: First let me say that it's a good thing I don't get super attached to some of my stuff. Since I have some serious dental hygiene, it's no big deal for me to change out my toothbrush often. It's good because yesterday Phin was able to find my toothbrush - that is stowed out of his sight. (I am sure he's seen me get it out and put it up at teeth brushing time.)
He proceeded to find a very creative place - as a new "holder" for my toothbrush. I am sure he was thinking it would be even easier for me to remember to brush - if I hit the actual toothbrush as I entered and exited the bathroom...

He even took the time to show me "alternate holding patterns" for the brush in the exact same place. What a SMART BOY!

Once I had the whole introduction to door-frame toothbrush, he then decided to go over "proper brushing technique" once again. JUST to MAKE SURE I had it down. :)

In other news, while his room is still not quite finished, it is coming along almost daily. Phin has been enjoying practicing climbing up

and down the steps to his bed. Sometimes he climbs down and sometimes he slides. Either way, he knows that a) feet first and b) careful, careful!

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