Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

??? spaghetti ???

See, something is wrong with this picture. What you may ask? My son does NOT eat noodles.
Really, he ate the turkey meatballs more so than the pasta, but he did try the pasta near the end of the meal.
Are we past the pasta boycott???

Ways to get money

As I am sure you can imagine, listening to the worker at Civic Recycling fighting with his "woman" on speaker phone as I unloaded bag after bag of pop cans was both informative and annoying. Hey, it was all for a good cause. See, as YOU know, our family isn't "rich" so we find it necessary to keep it "creative"when it comes to making/finding/keeping money. One way we are funding Phin's "youth bank account" is to keep all of the pop cans we use in this house and save them up in the garage until they are completely annoying. At that point, we throw them all into the truck, take them down to recycling and Phin comes home with no less than ten new bucks to put in his piggy bank. We are also happy to know we are not putting all of that trash in landfills too! (You know I feel the same way about his diapering situation...
So, tomorrow, we will take all of the bigger bills out of his piggy bank and go to the credit union to make an account for little Phin. I was reading online that children get PRIZES for opening their account and PRIZES for saving certain amounts of money in their account. So every time he makes his next level - some kind of (hopefully not sugar based) prize will be his!

In other news, today was not awesome - regarding his physical wellness. We DID go to the park for him to get some walk time in - however, he kept dropping to his knees (tired?) and got a couple scrapes and scratches on them. Then it was time to go home!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Community contracted phenumonia with a double ear infection

Yes, this is what it looks like. A little boy with a cough and a snotty nose for about a week. Certainly Phin has a high pain tolerance to be dealing with all of this - and his only relief was benadryl and tylenol. This evening, we came home from the doctor and pharmacy with a medicine cabinet in a bag and instructions of how to make little Phin feel better. He should be feeling great by tomorrow evening - probably. So, he will get his appetite back and no longer require FOUR HOUR naps in the middle of the day. Go drugs, go!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Video time

Usually Phin sits in his strap-in chair to watch his video. The problem with that system is that Phin keeps getting bigger and bigger and the seat is really no longer "made" for a boy of his size. So, today I let him sit on the sofa (one of his favorite things) to watch his video about animals in the rainforest. He did a good job of paying attention until near the end. When he started wiggling around, the video magically turned off and we went on with our day! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Great Grandparents come to visit!!!

How lucky did our weekend turn out when we learned that the Great Grandparents would be driving through town and we were actually going to be IN town and without a ton of plans. They stopped through and got some reading and ball playing in with Phin before they were back on the road - headed to their next stop to see Grandma Barb. Phin had a blast playing games and showing off his extensive skills with his alphabet and numbers. The phrase of the day was "ball, get"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Phin loves to read...

He goes over to his daddy's chair often - with book in hand. We actually play a new game where Dan or I will read the book to Phin - stopping before the last word in the sentence. We let Phin say the word - as he's been reading these books for months and - most probably has them memorized word for word anyway. :)

The usual suspects:

All around the house, there are lineups - of random items. This is one of Phin's favorite surfaces to make a lineup. His AIRPLANE!

He also reads - all over the house and in a variety of positions.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

15 week ultrasound!!!

This one is self explanatory. They have labeled all of the parts. :)

This is a front view of the babies head. The head is on the right side of the picture. The top of the head is at the very most right. You can see the holes for the eyes and mouth and the other big circle on the left of the picture is the abdomen. :)

This last one is a 3D ultrasound picture. She rotated the picture so we are looking at the baby head at the top center of the picture - like we would frame up a picture of you or me. Baby has their hand up to their face - ?maybe sucking on their thumb?

We are still a few weeks early to know if it's a girl or boy for sure - but on April 27th we will have the ultrasound through my OB (Grandma Barb is going to come down and help with Ethan during that ultrasound) and the baby will be big enough then to know for sure. All I can say right now - for sure - is that from what we saw, I can still have HOPE that it's a BOY! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

15 weeks

So, this picture is similar but different. Note that I am wearing a different kind of shirt. The first picture, the green shirt shows an exact line where my stomach is at the bottom. The new picture, the gray shirt does not. Second, my hands are lower on my waist in this new picture. It changes the way, I think, my stomach looks. Anyway, this is me yesterday!

12 week ultrasound

Can you believe that I JUST got this photo CD yesterday. I guess Dan has had it for some time, but I just never got my hands on it. This scan was taken at 12 weeks, so you can imagine that things look a little different now. They did video of the baby doing a little jig (dance) - but it didn't make it to the cd. :( Oh well, it was fun to see. :)
I actually go back tomorrow to get another scan. I will be 15 weeks and a couple days. I am excited to see how different it will look. No, we won't know if it's a girl or boy yet. This baby will need a few more weeks before they can tell...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Last time with EP

Grandma Susie wanted to see a picture of how I looked when I was carrying EP. I believe I was about 4 months along here. In the picture below, I am about 14 weeks - so, 3.5 months.

Cottage Cheese is FUNNY!

I couldn't pick just one!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Every day is different

I see his brain working and changing and he's learning every day.
On this particular day, he's now big enough to take the bowl off of the kitchen counter to "finish up" his breakfast.
He did just that - and do you see how happy he is in the second picture when it's "all done!"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Smiles all around

I have no great story for these pictures. Most simply, they are pictures of my beloved son - on a random day when the camera was at hand. We love this little boy...