Every day I try to keep in mind how he's changing and how he's becoming stronger and more alert. I have truly loved each day of first three months. His sleepy eyes while nursing to his recognition of me with those same eyes to most recently his following me with his eyes all of the time. Phin knows I am his mama and I believe he trusts me to love and take care of him with all of the attention and concern that one would give the most precious jewel - as he is that to me.
Phin follows me with his eyes and sometimes I hold him in my arms and he chats me up. While I am unsure of what he's actually trying to say, I am still very interested and listen intently! Phin laughs when he's sleeping. In my arms, he'll be alseep and then start giggling - for just a second or two and then drift back into his deep sleep. He does this over and over again - until I get the video camera picked up and then he's finished with his funny dream and I am left holding the camera - just in case it happens again!
While Dan as been away, I often replay phone voicemail from him - on speaker for Phin to hear. He doesn't get to see his daddy right now but that doesn't mean he can't hear him!
Phin has started grabbing my shirt and my hair and his toys on his car seat. He grabs them and holds on. Sometimes, he even pulls his soother (binki) out of his mouth and is then surprised that it's gone!
Phin gets scared when I blow my nose in front of him. He smiles when I walk into his room and wake him up. He looks, expectantly at the lights, in his vibrating chair and listens to the sounds and songs that play while he sits in it.
Phin likes to watch the dog and cat walking around and he is always in a good mood - even during diaper changes.
Babies change every day - and so today, on the three month anniversary of his birth, I took a few minutes to grab some shots of him - as tomorrow he'll look like a whole different boy.

1 comment:
A breathtaking tribute -- both verbally and visually...
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