I have been sending pictures of Phin to his Daddy who will be home in just a few more days! Tonight, on the phone, I asked Daddy what he thought of Phin's growth. He said it's hard to tell really because there is nothing to compare this size to. After discussing it, we decided that I should photograph Phin on his changing table - as Daddy remembers how big Phin was then. (I have told Daddy about how now Phin kicks his diaper wipe box each time I change him...). Notice in this picture that we have let out his diapers by one snap - that started on Nov 6, 2008 - but this is the first picture of the new snap...

Phin wasn't taking direction really well about stretching his legs out for Daddy, so, finally when I dressed him again, he stretched out!

And then, we went back to the sock monkey for scale.

You can
click HERE to see his size prior.
In OTHER NEWS, I weighed Phin tonight. I did this by weighing myself with and without Phin and subtracting the difference. My home scale says that he weighs 16 lbs 2 oz and that was with a clean diaper and his blue jammies. So, I would say he's around 16 lbs. (Auntie Annan told me tonight that 2.5 year old cousin Given weighs 34 lbs. - WOW!)
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