Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dear Mommy:

I was so happy with myself that I didn't get your chest cold!
But, uh, I think it started last night and then continued on yesterday and now...
well, I have it.
I am continually coughing up half of a lung!
The good news is that I have a great haircut AND I got to see you!
I'm not mad, but I am also not going to be able to go to the gym tomorrow.
The good news there is that I will have the weekend to recuperate! (yay)

Oh, also Dan is going to leave to save the world tomorrow morning.
The particulars involve the ice/snow in South Missouri (call me on the phone tomorrow to learn more.) Oh, and about that, I think my phone is freezing out in the van at the moment.

One more thing!
We bought Phin clothes yesterday. We went to the outlet mall with a 20% your entire purchase to our favorite kids store. Just imagine: a lot of un-purchased inventory at HUGE discounts; a baby who has grown out of tons of his clothing; a hand made spreadsheet of each piece of clothing he has (from Auntie) (and in what size it is) AND a Mommy who is planning ahead into the 2T, 3T & 4T's... and the final verdict is 25 pieces (some of those pieces are actually SETS, like "shirt & overalls") and a bottom line "savings" of $470.00 Almost every single piece I bought was around four dollars and some change and Phin is pretty much set for years!

Okay, now for some sleep and some lactation approved cough syrup.
I'll add pictures of the new clothes and jammies as soon as I get a moment.

Oh, and don't worry about me. Grandmother Allen said that if I get too run down while Phin's Daddy is away - she will come take care of us both. I mean, I expect that I will be okay - just tired and coughing and stuff - but it's good to know that Gma Allen is there is I need her (just like you are!)

Phin's mama.

1 comment:

Brian said...

At the risk of sounding like a creepy blog stalker, the phrase "lactation approved cough syrup" made my morning.