When we aren't singing, one thing he's doing is SLEEPING. Now, I will be the first one to tell you that I can not diagram a "growth spurt" for you. However, I do know that Phin has been sleeping A LOT lately and I fear he maybe getting ready to shoot up again. I mean, he's been wearing his 9 months pants for all of December and I think half of November. I am afraid he's ready to move on to the 12 month stuff... which is too bad as the 9 month pants are so very cute!

This is just another couple pictures of something that we do every day - but never gets shared with others. As you can imagine, babies get their diapers changed multiple times each day. Phin has started grabbing and holding things. During a diaper change, there are some things a mama doesn't want her little boy grabbing or holding... so we have "DIAPER DOG!" There are actually two diaper dogs - they came with some clothes we bought on a discount rack at JC Penny's. The diaper dogs stay on the changing table and Phin plays with diaper dog while his diaper is being changed. Yes, Mama is full of "systems." :)

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