Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can you see what it is? I know it's out of focus and NOT the best picture. This is for me to remember... one day far from now, when I can leave my bedroom door open without the fear or realization that Phin has gone inside, taken the glass of water by my bed and poured it on the floor. THIS PICTURES is a picture of his little wet footprint - walking from the bedroom with his new favorite toy - my water cup.

You may notice in the upper right corner, his little toes in the picture. He came back to view the photo session. :)

THIS is a picture of what I looked like today for my launch at the gym. Even with the pregnancy, the sciatica and the pneumonia, I was still there to partake in the workout fun! This picture is significant - for what happened AFTER the gym. I decided that Ethan might get a kick out of having lunch at the "old 63 diner" where they wear 1950's and call you "babe." The lunch was fine. Phin had a grilled cheese sandwich. What happened after is what I find significant. Ethan came to the women's room with me after lunch - before the drive home. Obviously, my belly is growing and Phin finds it interesting to say the least. Dan and I have been telling Phin that my belly is the baby. Today, in the restroom, Phin saw my belly and said "the baby" which was the cutest thing ever. I don't know how much he actually understands, but there is a slight glimmer of understanding, right now, today.

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