Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I wonder if out PAT Educator hates us

(PAT is Parents as Teachers.)
I don't really think she hates us, but this idea didn't go over as she had explained it.
The beans were supposed to be something that my little peach could practice using spoons to pick up the beans and then pour them back into the bowl or another thing - like a cup. I mean, he had fun with it, but it was the high clean up for mommy kinda fun. I was told this helps him with his fine motors skills... which eventually helps him learn to write. This kid better have some beautiful handwriting! I am finding a bean here and a bean there - throughout the day...


Sue said...

Next you will have beans up the nose and in the ears. Not a good plan

Mom Of G said...

ha got called out by your MOM! she speaks from EXPERIENCE : ) adorable picture, though. he looks like he's having TONS of fun!

Hyphin said...


I was supervising him the WHOLE time.
He's not quite old enough to start sticking things in his ears/nose. :)

It brought back some good memories though...
