Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today is the day...

That is what Phin decided last week. On Wednesday of last week, he decided he would be a walker instead of a crawler. So, up onto his feet he went. Using both hands in the air to balance and he was walking across the living room floor. Even almost a week later, it still surprises Dan when he looks up and Phin was moving by foot.
BUT, this is Phin's new reality. He's growing up and it's so very exciting and also scary. I love to which him increase his awareness. Today he copied me stretching my arms over my head during his breakfast... It was cute. We are trying to master our "ears, eyes, nose mouth" and he's very good at "nose" and even sometimes takes his pointer finger UP his nose to show me that he's very sure where his nose is. :)
Then there is the email checking he's doing...
He's becoming the boy that God made him and it's so exciting to get to know him and learn about him. It seems that Phin really loves books and reading. All day long he's looking at his books and he loves to be read to. He knows his ABC's and practices the letters in and out of order often. As we walk through the grocery store, he will make the sound or letter "s" - I will say "sea lion." He will say "t" - I will day toucan. He will say "u" I will say "umbrella bird. He says "v" to which I reply "vulture." On and on... We must look super crazy while picking up goat milk and acorn squash.
Who knows what this may mean for his future, but I know that right now, I am nothing short of delighted to be his mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am awe-struck. Thank you so much for posting these. They have brightened my week. Love you all so much - can't wait to see you soon!
