Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We went to the doctor for Phin's checkup.
He's in the 50-75% for height, 25-50% for weight and 90-97% for head size.
SO, I guess he has extra large brains. :)

The doctor asked all of the regular questions.
The only surprised looks I got was for telling her that he sleeps from 6p-6a daily and that he knows his alphabet.
She asked me if he knows 3-4 words. I said "oh, he knows over... twenty." The eyebrows went up again in disbelief. Afterwards, I started counting his words - trying to make sure I was not exaggerating like proud mama's do. I have a list at the end.

I learned that instead of teaching him body parts he can't see (on his face) I should be teaching body parts he CAN see with his eyes. Done. I also learned that while it's quite messy, I should let him start feeding himself with a spoon. Things like oatmeal and yogurt that will sorta stick to the spoon.

Here is the list of words my son can say:
ant, yak, book, coat, walk, egg, mama, dada, duck, frog, dog, block, this, that, no, nose, eye, ball, fox, mouth, cookie, mail.
He says "tou" for toucan. He mostly said "gazelle" tonight but it was his first time. He says "dock-a-di" for crocodile.

So, my son can say more than twenty words.
I am a proud mama, but I am also a precise one.

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