Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Cookies for the gym.

Holiday party at the gym and I'll bring some cookies and lemon bars, right?
I think it was the barometric pressure or something because every thing I tried to make flopped.
The butterscotch chip cookies were flat and runny so I put them in a tupperware - so I could throw them all away at once. But see, there was this curious boy who pulled said tupperware down and started pulling cookies off of the floor - and then cramming them into his mouth like he was a starving child. All I could think is "Yes, THIS is my child."
He stole one and then when the "double fisting" started, I took one cookie away and let him keep the other. While he snacked away, Mommy was quick to get rid of the evidence and the mess - so he may forget about these cookies.

In reality, the rest of the day was filled with drama and sugar filled hissy-fits. I am going to have to think really hard about how I'm going to deal with Christmas cookies at Grandma's house!

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