Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 6, 2010

My morning

This morning, I got to sleep in. Daddy got Phin and made him waffles and a berry bar and milk.
When I got out of bed, Phin was out of waffles and I asked him if he wanted eggs. While I started my coffee, I asked him if he wanted to do some recycle and he said yes. We recycled and I started some eggs while my coffee brewed. Phin looked at a book while I made the eggs and then he sounded sad - so I went to see the problem. He had taken his gluten free homemade berry bar from his high chair and it had dropped in the hallway. Because it was gluten free and had been made with too much millet flour, it had broken into pieces - like a piece of glass would. In the meantime, the dog was ringing the bell to go outside to play and the baby Zack was crying to start his morning. Quickly, the eggs were ready and Phin was back to his high chair with a new glass of milk and some eggs. I was bent over a broken berry bar with a broom and with steam rising off of the tea kettle I was very grateful for my morning.
ALL of it.

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