Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Phin's new hat & gloves

The weather is finally getting nice! So, as I walked through the clearance aisle, I thought long and hard about the purchase of the mittens and hat for $1.50 See, I have not had the best luck with buying things for Phin ahead of time - since he's grown so fast and big. However, the hat looked big and I thought they MUST fit him next fall - as he's supposed to grow slower now that he's over 6 months old.
I couldn't try the hat on Phin right there in the store because Phin was with his Daddy. When I got home, I was very perplexed to see that Phin was still digging at his head (cradle cap) - even though I have been POURING oil on his head to keep it moist! I pulled out those little mittens and they would, actually, stay on his hands. Next, I tried the hat and it too was the appropriate size right NOW.
I am actually glad to have them - because we need to keep Phin's hands out of his head right now. We are also going to try a different type of moisturizer. What we are using now isn't working!

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