Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boys sleeping

Usually, Phin takes every single toy in his room and puts it on his bed. Throughout the night, we hear toys drop off of the bed - hard wooden toys that hit the floor with a CLANG! We have become used to listening for a few moments - for a cry - to figure out of it's a toy or a baby. On this day, there was less of toys and more of pillows.

Zack has his own thing going on. He's a big, big boy who has already outgrown the hat that I had made for his brother to wear a few years ago. He is in the 90th %tile in height, weight and the size of his head. :) He is starting to be awake a little more and starting to show signs of happy smiling and looking about.

I love this little family we have going!

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