Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes things are difficult...

Last night is a good example. I was able to cut his little razor finger nails earlier in the day - which was helpful. But then in the evening, after his stroll through the neighborhood, things got difficult. My baby pulled my glasses practically off of my face. He was punching me in the neck and pulling my hair and when I thought I had his hands under control, he would ninja style whip them out and punch and pull some more.
He cried for almost an hour straight. He was having a ton of gas (is that from what I was eating or what) and it seemed that no matter how much we fed him - he was still hungry. Even after resorting to some bottles of expressed milk.
Around midnight, I went to get him from his crib and I found that he had become a cottage cheese factory and it was all over his clothes. I got him changed and cleaned up and ready to be nursed. He then nursed for a just long enough to get half full and get those really awesome hiccups. He threw up in my hair and all over the top half of me and the hiccups wouldn't go away and he was very frustrated between hiccuping and crying. And the whole time - from yesterday to the early hours of this morning, all I could do was look at his chubby fingers and his double chin and his tiny little finger nails and feel nothing but complete amazement and love for this little baby.
Even during a bit of a difficult time, I am so very blessed to have him.

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