Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 15, 2008

While Phin was in the hospital, they gave him a little blue and white striped hat to wear. It was cute and I loved it and then we lost it! They had also given him a knitted hat - but his head was too big for it - so I asked Phin's daddy to pick up a hat or two at the store on his way back up to the hospital. Phin's daddy actually found a three pack of hats - which impressed me a LOT! The thing is, the hats were bigger than Phin's head.
Grandma Susie will remember - we had hats that were too small and hats that were too big...

Today, I tried one of the hats on Phin. You see, it got pretty cool here last night and I left some of the windows open in the house and I was afraid he may get too cool. I put one of the hats on him and GUESS WHAT! Now, at 5 1/2 weeks old, the hat fits like a charm! It's too bad it's supposed to be warm for the rest of the week. I would have a hat on Phin EVERY DAY!

Then, this afternoon, I took Phin for his first stroll. I made him ride in the stroller like he was a big boy or something because I could not figure out how to get the car seat attached to the stroller (though, I figured it out immediately when we got back from our walk!)
Phin enjoyed the walk, I think. He slept the whole time - except for once when he woke up without his binki in his mouth. We fixed that quickly and he was again out!
I am not sure about SUN SCREEN for Phin - as in what to use. He has my complexion and I don't want him to burn up! Luckily, we visit the pediatrician next week - and I am sure they can tell me what to use. Until then, we'll just do the best we can!

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