Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 8, 2008

This isn't what I planned.

Phin is four months old as of yesterday. Yet, he's wearing 9 month old clothing. Why do they do that? What don't they call it four month old clothing at the 9 month old size - 'cause that's what I PLANNED for.
Well, I have learned that you can't plan too far ahead - 'cause it doesn't work out the way we plan.

So here we are as of yesterday. On Phin's four month "birthday" we were on our way to an outlet mall for 50-70% baby clothing savings.
Everything you see here is 50-70% off and a retail of $220.00
We paid 75.00 for all of this stuff. Some of it is what he's able to wear *literally* today and some of it is for when he's 18 or 24 months (as that probably equals like, 7 months for Phin.)
Today, he wore the overalls,
tomorrow he's going to wear the blue pants and jacket.
Either way, he's a happy boy who loves his family - and really, isn't that the most important thing?

In the mean time, I am working hard to learn how to SEW Phin clothes.
I have made him pants and a bunting sleep sack and some blankets. I have also been very successful with an apron (just haven't had time to photograph it.) Next, we are going to start working with "re-purposing" some of Daddy's shirts to Phin clothes as I was able to get patterns for 99cents. WHO KNEW that being a Mommy could be so much fun!

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