Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 11, 2008


First thing first - Isn't Phin cute in his little bear outfit (70%OFF) YAY!

Moving on - Maggie is a BAD DOG.
Phin and I went to Wal-Mart for Listerine and heavy whipping cream (for my coffee).
We made another stop and left Maggie in the car with our purchases. Upon arrival back to the car, THIS is what we found. A punctured heavy whipped cream container and about 1/4 of the cream on Maggie's face and in her tummy! It was such a mess, I had to pour the rest of the cream out on the parking lot...
So now, I STILL don't have any cream for my coffee! $3.18 down the drain. I guess that was Maggie's Christmas present???

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