Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Squirreling = CRUST

Dan likes to call me a squirrel.
It's because I like to put trash into the door pockets of our cars (instead of on the floor) - as the trash is then contained. I like to put things away in little spaces so that I know where they are and then get that stuff out later for use. He calls this "squirreling."

It seems that baby Ethan has my squirreling habit too.
The difference is that Ethan likes to squirrel a mouthful of milk away and not exactly SWALLOW it. So, when you pick him up to burp him, it spews forth from his mouth down the front on him and his designated burper. Due to this bad habit, my baby had become a little crusty. To rid baby of said crust, tonight we gave him a quick sponge bath. Grandma Susie was there to catch it on video.

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