Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Phin's shorts set

I usually go to the discount outlet and buy things on clearance with coupons for Phin's clothing. The other stuff, I try to make for him. My plan is to try to make him shorts for summer because, really, how hard can shorts be?
The last time we went to the outlet mall, I did "splurge" and buy him something that was not on clearance - and instead only on "discount."
It was this shorts outfit and it WON because - - - you guessed it! The elephant on the front!

So, today it was over seventy degrees outside and Phin wore his shorts. The biggest reason is because Phin needs to be making vitamin D. Phin needs approx 20 min. of sunlight to make that vitamin D. So, instead of his wearing fleece footed jammies, we put on those cute shorts and T-shirt and went outside!

So, I took Phin's exer-saucer outside and grabbed Maggie's tennis ball thrower and Phin and I went outside to play. Phin was very excited about watching Maggie run away and come back again. As you can see below - I am unable to get his attention for the picture because he's watching Maggie.

After a bit of time outside (we didn't spend the whole twenty - I believe he has to "work up to it" as he seems to have my fair skin tone) we came in and he played on the floor. :)

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