Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I love Tivo. With tivo, you tell the little box what things you want it to record and it just does it. I don't have to look up channels, times, days... tivo takes care of everything. When I am watching something on tivo, I can just fast forward through the advertisements and go right on to the rest of the program - saving time and my sanity! If I miss something on tivo, all I have to do is rewind and catch up. If I need to leave the room, I can put it on pause (for up to thirty minutes) and then it will start playing again on it's own. Sometimes I forget that tivo is just for the TV. When I am in the car listening to the radio and miss a date or place on an add and want to hit the rewind button on the tivo - but oh, this is radio so I can't.

I WISH tivo was a part of every day life. If it was, I would rewind for the last thirty minutes (maybe 'days' in tivo land) and then push the pause button. As it turns out, Phin is seven SEVEN months old and I just want to yell "STOP"! I need some catch up time!

Phin is doing cyclone rolling throughout the house. Phin is trying to crawl and is mimicking walking in his tot-rider. Phin is rolling here and there to move toward what he wants and away from what he doesn't. Phin knows that when we are in the car, it's "his time" to talk in long rambling sentences/(baby babble). He knows that when food on a spoon is headed toward his mouth, all he has to do is purse his lips together to keep said food out. All of these things are happening too quickly and I just need things to slow down a bit.

Phin is now teething as well. The teeth are not yet coming through, but he's in pain and he's chewing the all get out of my fingers, his fingers, his toys etc.

The fact that he's moving and rolling and playing and even teething - these are all GREAT THINGS. These things are happening as God intended. These things are the natural progression of growth and development and for that, I am grateful. I just, want to hold him in my arms when it's his nap time and bed time - because I know soon enough (too soon for me) Phin will be off on his own two feet and my baby will be a boy.

I guess I have just never had an opportunity to feel joy for progress and pain for the loss of dependence on me - all at the same time. This is the point when I have to suck it up and look towards the smile in my heart and say "grow Phin grow!"

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