Love ~ Teach ~ Protect

Their purpose isn't to enhance my life ~ My purpose IS to enhance theirs...

See how fast we grow!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

The construction of a smile

From Phin by Mama.

Phin's new clothes for the next couple of years!!!

Dear Mommy:

I was so happy with myself that I didn't get your chest cold!
But, uh, I think it started last night and then continued on yesterday and now...
well, I have it.
I am continually coughing up half of a lung!
The good news is that I have a great haircut AND I got to see you!
I'm not mad, but I am also not going to be able to go to the gym tomorrow.
The good news there is that I will have the weekend to recuperate! (yay)

Oh, also Dan is going to leave to save the world tomorrow morning.
The particulars involve the ice/snow in South Missouri (call me on the phone tomorrow to learn more.) Oh, and about that, I think my phone is freezing out in the van at the moment.

One more thing!
We bought Phin clothes yesterday. We went to the outlet mall with a 20% your entire purchase to our favorite kids store. Just imagine: a lot of un-purchased inventory at HUGE discounts; a baby who has grown out of tons of his clothing; a hand made spreadsheet of each piece of clothing he has (from Auntie) (and in what size it is) AND a Mommy who is planning ahead into the 2T, 3T & 4T's... and the final verdict is 25 pieces (some of those pieces are actually SETS, like "shirt & overalls") and a bottom line "savings" of $470.00 Almost every single piece I bought was around four dollars and some change and Phin is pretty much set for years!

Okay, now for some sleep and some lactation approved cough syrup.
I'll add pictures of the new clothes and jammies as soon as I get a moment.

Oh, and don't worry about me. Grandmother Allen said that if I get too run down while Phin's Daddy is away - she will come take care of us both. I mean, I expect that I will be okay - just tired and coughing and stuff - but it's good to know that Gma Allen is there is I need her (just like you are!)

Phin's mama.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sleepy time

Check out Phin's new JAMMIES!
We were happy to finally find 12 month old jammies.
Like all of his other clothes, there is plenty of room in the waist and the length is about "right on"
He actually has about 1 inch of "growing room" in these jammies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today is January 28th and it's my birthday.
It's been a great day!

We went to the gym and stopped by Church.
(this is my birthday portrait).

China was hanging out, dreaming of sledding down a snowy hill in this shasta box. Note her new collar - thanks to our vet.

I got calls from family wishing me a happy birthday.
This evening, Daddy brought flowers for me and Phin brought dinner (I didn't have to cook - though, I don't generally mind making dinner).

It has been a nice evening with my boys and even put my little one to sleep - in my arms which is special in a mommy/baby kinda of way.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Master of Disaster

(Thank you Grandparents Routier!!!)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday night with Phin:

If you look really close, you will see that we have to tuck a towel between him and the toy so he doesn't launch himself out of the toy!

High maintenance? Not so much.

Every single day I go to pick up Phin from the child care at the gym, the child care provider is holding him. I always feel a little guilty, like she's (it's a different lady each day of the week) holding him because he's an only child who requires too much personal attention. I ask him "Phin, are you being too high maintenance?" while he's in her arms beaming at me.
The lady today told me what is REALLY happening.
You see, Phin will be in the swing or the jumpie chair or on the floor (on a blanket that I provided) and he will -ALMOST- be asleep and one of two little girls (who are toddlers) will walk up to him and pluck his soother (binki) from his mouth - which will wake him up. They will then proceed to play with his binki - which is tethered to his clothing via a binki clip which will annoy him and - ahhhh, he's picked up by the child care provider and here we have it.... It looks like Phin is the trouble maker. :)

I am happy to know he's so perfect!

(As I put him in his car seat while he slept today one of the little girls came to pluck the binki from his mouth and she said that "Binkis are for babies!" I asked her - "Is this a baby or a little boy?" She said "He's a BABY!" I said, "So, he can have his binki then, because he's a baby - right?" She said "Yes." However, with that said, I expect her to be plucking his binki again tomorrow. That's just a little kid for you - huh.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Phin's first supervised date!

Okay, so we didn't take a picture of the kids DURING the date because we are trying to be the "cool" parents and stuff... but here is a picture of the aftermath.

Phin is not "officially dating" Mayah but I think the kids had a good time together. We didn't leave them alone together... They did participate in some baby talk together, which none of us understood, but we believe it was all above board and "clean". :)
We got there for dinner around 6:30 and I thought it was 9pm when we left - turns out it was 11:30pm! Phin has figured it out... IT'S BEDTIME!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Let me set the stage:

I had put Phin in his swing to hang out while I did some light house work. I noticed a SOUND coming from the swing. The sound was the motor straining. I looked to see what the problem was - and it seems that Phin wants to be just like his mama.
You see, Phin comes to the gym with me (almost) every morning. We get there early and he watches me set up my weights and get my stuff ready for the classes I take. Then, we drop stuff off at child care, he and I go to the managers office where I nurse him and then he goes back to child care to hang out with his baby friends and I go to my classes.

I guess Phin has watched me pump iron so much that he has decided to give it try. I mean, his little tiny hands won't fit around the weights, and so he is trying out the metal basket (which is quite heavy) by his swing. He was actually picking it up for moments at a time. So, Mommy moved it away and Phin looked forlorn. Just one more fun day of motherhood! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mother Allen Helps!

We were going to fix a dress for a little baby girl and then make a diaper bag. However, it just didn't work out that way. I was uninspired by the diaper bag and the dress is for an older child, and so, I started cutting and getting ready to make "Grocery Dog" for Phin.
I could not have done it without Grandmother Allen.
As a matter of fact, I will probably never try such a project again. It was quite advanced.

Into the evening, Dan popped up some popcorn (THANK YOU Grandpa and Gma Routier) and he was nice enough to share with everyone (except Phin!!!)

Dan stayed out of the way while we pinned and stitched.

Doesn't it look like Grandmother Allen is sneezing popcorn! What a HOOT!

And this is grocery dog - not quite finished. WE have an appointment set to finish it up. Then, Phin can sit in the cart at the grocery store and I won't have to stress out over the germs as we shop!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jump up, jump up and get down!

Daddy took this flip of Phin jumping around while I was out of the house grocery shopping.

A week!

So, I have missed a whole week of updating which - sucks.
Things have just been very busy. Phin and I have been trying to get on a good schedule with the gym. My gym has two different buildings. The one close to where I live doesn't have classes I like, and the other building is far away. I think we have finally found a 9am schedule so we can really make the schedule work for Phin too.

I have also been working on a "magic blanket" for Phin's little friend who was born two days ago. Phin's new friend is a girl named Mayah. My spare time has been taken with the magic blanket and little baby hats for the hospital.

Last, we had a friend going to Malowie for a missions trip - and her sister in law came back to Missouri (from California) for a couple weeks before she leaves for the African Congo for two years at a University Teacher. We wanted to have a proper "going away" party for her and then I can start planning her "We're glad you're back" party for two years from now.

Phin is still rolling over to his back (still no belly roll on purpose) and jumping in his sit/stand toy. He is noticing the world around him - which is awesome to see - but nothing jaw dropping new. I do have a video of him jumping around to upload and some pictures of the going away party.

We also got some GREAT presents from Grandpa Routier in the mail. I NEED to photograph some of them to post. Phin got some SUPER CUTE clothes and a funny puppy. I will work on the uploading of video and pictures soon.

Hopefully, things will calm down a little in the next few days - but we will be sitting a dog for the next week - so we'll just have to see how it works out. Keep checking in - things will be added soon!

Thank you for your continued interest in baby Phin!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank you Uncle!

Today, I tried on teh shirt that Uncle Thomas got me from the Olympics - and it FIT!!!
So, I smooshed Phin into his olympic outfit for the last time (it's too small now) and we went to the gym as matchy-matchy! (Don't tell Daddy!)
Thank you Uncle Thomas for the dudds! My shirt will get a lot more wear!~

(note, the jeans Phin is wearing are 12 month jeans - and - they are not BIG on him!)
(note, this is after attending TWO classes - so don't be hatin' on me!)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Growth Spurt Positive!

I thought that maybe all of the sleep was a growth spurt. It turns out - I was right.
The first time we put Phin into this standing toy, only his toes touched. That was just days before New Years Eve.

I put him in it today and, well see for yourself.
He also seems to be enjoying rocking himself around (back and fourth)

Monday, January 12, 2009

It started yesterday.

Not only did Phin start showing he's tired by yelling at the top of his lungs (he used to simply rub his eyes) but he also started putting his arms out - toward me to signal that he wants to be held.
The yelling kinda hurts my ears and makes me second think his schedule. It makes me wonder if maybe he's hungry. However, in a day and a half - I think I now believe that he's simply tired.
The arm thing warms my heart but also makes me a little sad. The little arms tell me that he wants me - but it also tells me that he wants ME. I am with this baby all of the time - except when I am in classes at the gym. He's not yet freaked out that turned into a meltdown when I have left him but those little arms tell me that the time is soon coming where such will exactly be the case. When that happens, I will have to stop visiting him between classes to make sure he's okay because it will simply upset him.

I guess the point is that his little brain is aware enough that he is starting to know what he wants. For good or bad, he's having preferences. NOT to sleep and TO be held by his mama. This is a great thing, but just a little too soon for my preference.

Yes, this is motherhood.

Phin Burrito

This is a swaddle on steroids!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Old Pro

This is for the last three days where I was sitting on my knees for a ridiculous amount of time... trying to catch this very thing. Now, as soon as he's on his belly, he's rolled over again!

...and as of tonight, he weighs 19lbs 4oz.

Friday, January 9, 2009

F - U - D - G - E!

You remember "Christmas story" and the specific part where Ralphie says "fudge" (he actually drops the f*bomb) but in the movie (click here to see what I am talking about)
how it happened in slow motion...
It's like when you know you are falling and it's happening in slow motion and all you can do is go with the fall and hope you don't hurt yourself...

Yesterday, Phin rolled over for the very first time. It was slow motion like that - but let me tell you, I was as surprised as he was. He's been teasing me for a number of days with the idea of rolling over. He rolled over and surprise was on both of our faces. I then grabbed the video camera while calling his daddy on the phone, but he wouldn't do an encore presentation.

We tried again today after the gym - but he's being shy about it. So, instead I am sharing this video of his laughing self.

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


And please, take an extra moment to notice his awesome CONAN O'BRIEN hair! We work really hard around here to make that happen! ;)

Phin ALMOST rolls

I am having a lot of trouble getting the site to upload the video - so until I can get it to accept the video, here a a couple of pictures from last night.
Since our first date (we figure around 6.5 years ago) that included food was Indian food, I decided to whip up some tikka masala. The veggies were still steaming during the picture taking process - so they are missing.

Daddy decided to get Phin's high chair (Thank you Auntie!) and give it a whirl on the day Phin turned 5 months. He did a really good job with the high chair. I lit some candles (for the unmentioned cake fiasco) and Phin enjoyed smelling almond and staring at the tiny lights while we ate.


(Oh, and Phin HAD been wearing his choo choo top that he got from Uncle Dave and Nicki, but there was a LEAKAGE problem, so we changed before dinner...) They fit perfectly and look SUPER CUTE! Thanks Uncle and Auntie!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The best day of my life was not:
- The day in high school that I moved from being so heavy I had to shop only in specialty stores for clothing to being small enough to shop at any store.
- The day I passed my test and became a “black belt” in a marital art.
- The day I graduated from the University as a McNair Scholar with a number of honors and scholarships under my belt.
- My wedding day

- The day it was confirmed that I was going to have a baby.

The best day of my life is actually today. I wish I were able to share with you the huge smile that is on my face and in my heart. Do you know what makes today so special? Today (January 7, 2009) marks the day that I have been married to my awesome husband for five years and it is also the day my baby turns five months old. I know this is “Phin’s blog” and this post will come around to be all about him, but today we are going to take the long way around. Today is not the day to be in a hurry!

Our dating was great.
In the first year of our marriage,
I went to my first professional sports game

and bought a house.
2005 - Dan graduated from the University.

2006 brought the beginning of Dan’s Military career, our first camp and canoe trip and Maggie.

2007, the second camp and canoe trip, continued work on the house
and the start of Phin (Petite Minute)

2008, Dan’s change from enlisted to officer, the third annual camp and canoe trip being postponed in lieu of the birth of Phin.

Now, the beginning of 2009 with my eyes wide open and excitement in my heart that things have gone so very well thus far.
I mean, of all of the people who get married, what are the odds that I would get such a loving and understanding husband? How is it possible that we have been this blessed in just five years (over six including dating)? We pretend to fight,
but our biggest disagreements that come to mind are things like: Dan picking up some shredded cheese at the market for me and getting the name brand (instead of generic or store brand) – what makes us so important that we need NAME BRAND???

Such a wonder of a lifetime and now, this little boy. This baby was planned and wanted. I named him “petite minute” from the beginning and I believe that such a name was very wise and telling on my part. My pregnancy was just a petite minute and his life thus far has been a petite minute (though he’s in no way petite!) The thing that I know today is that this little boy, who has his daddy’s lips and his mama’s eyes has brought such a joy and (an indescribable something) to the LIFE in our home.

I know that Dan and I have been happy throughout our whole marriage – but it has now taken on such a sweeter fragrance! I pop out of bed each morning to see that sweet smiling face and sometimes (actually quite often) I hold him and rock him in my arms long after he’s fast asleep. Between you and me, Phin’s daddy has told me he does the same thing. These moments and days are so fleeting and we understand such. So today, we will hold him more than necessary. Today I will keep every smile I can steal from him.

I cannot know what the future holds, but I do have dreams for my baby. They are the same dreams every mom has. I have visions of his rolling over for the first time. Then his crawling turning into his first step and then into his first word. I wonder what terribly embarrassing thing he will say to some stranger. You know, the thing that is so embarrassing that I want to blog about it – but SO VERY embarrassing that I can’t bring myself to “put it out there” like that.

There are other things too. This is Phin's room. It's a working room that changes all of the time. You will notice that the bumper is off of his bed - after at around day 9.5 , he scooted himself into the corner of the crib to try to "nurse" the bumper. We removed it so that there was no suffocation hazard in his crib.
We got that rug for his room right before he was born. The rug has a road on it so when he's older, he can run cars on it.

You see his flock of sheep, I got them for him this holiday season. I got them because I can picture in my mind, his playing with them. I can imagine a future of sheep lining the hall and he "herds" them around. I think they may also have a good religious value as he gets older and starts to understand bible stories...

Below his flock of sheep, he has books. There is the patchwork Elmer elephant with Elmer books, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library books, books I have picked for him and then books from Grandmother Allen that belonged to his daddy. We even have a great new book from the Great Grandparents Allen, but it's on our coffee table - instead of on his shelf.

Then there is this laundry hamper. We use it everyday but we got it because we imagined the kinds of fun Phin could have with it as he gets to be a bigger boy.

I guess my point is that I see where our future (if it’s God’s will) may be headed and I look forward to all of those things. But today I am tasting the sweetness of the last five years. I am reveling in all of the awesomeness of today. My day's agenda is to pick up our anniversary cake from the baker, make a nice dinner to place on our new dining room table and enjoy the evening with Dan when he gets home from work. Phin will take turns sitting on his daddy's lap and then mine and Maggie will be pacing the floor, looking for dropped food. The cat will, no doubt, be lurking on a chair while pretending to be invisible and in the background, music will play. We will eat dinner, and will simply continue to -be-.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Phin's swinging out

When I was not standing in front of him, Phin would notice the duck/chicken on his wrist and try to play with it. I tried to capture it on video, but when I was standing in front of him, all of his attention was on a: his hiccups and b: me.
But, it's still cute - so enjoy!


This morning Phin spent some time in his baby jail (pack-n-play) and I saw him trying to do a 1/2 roll. I didn't flip it over but, it looks like he's on his way!

This is just a picture of happy baby in his blue doggie suit.

...and the half smile is special for Grandma Susie! He knows how cute she thinks it is!